Frequently Asked Questions
Opening an account
How can I open a demo account?
How can I open a real (live) account?
How do I upload my photo ID and other documents?
When on Mobile Phone, please turn your phone horizontally and the notifications will appear on your screen.
Which type of documents do I need to send?
Our requirements for identity verification may include the following:
- A government-issued identification document (ID) that contains all of the following information:
- Photo
- Identity number
- Full name
- Date of birth
- Expiry date of the document
- Bank statement,
- Credit/debit card statement,
- Electricity bill,
- Water or gas bill,
- The council tax bill,
- Tax letter,
- Phone bill,
- Television services bill, or
- Internet bill.
Why do I need to upload my photo ID and other documents?
When you open an account with Limit Prime Securities you agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations against money laundering and terrorism financing, including, but not limited to, the requirement to provide satisfactory evidence of your identity, residential address, etc. Limit Prime Securities will not establish a business relationship with an individual unless and until the client’s identity and residential address have been successfully verified and/or all necessary documents have been received and verified. This is to protect both you and us from fraud as well as guard your privacy and is, therefore, part of our standard due diligence process. Limit Prime Securities reserves its right to impose additional due diligence requirements where necessary.
Do I risk any real money while using the Demo account?
Do you offer a corporate account?
How can I change my password?
Look at the menu bar and choose “Tools”. In the drop down menu, choose “Options”. A pop-up box will appear, where you should go under “Server”. There you will find a field for password. Click on the button “Change” that is in line with the password field.
For mobile app:
Open your app and click on the “Accounts”. Find a three-line menu and in a drop down list click “Manage Accounts”. In the upper right corner of the screen, you will find a three dots menu. Click on it and choose the option “Change Password”.
For webtrader:
Log in to your webtrader account. Look at the menu bar and choose “Tools”. In the drop down menu, choose “Options”. A pop-up box will appear, where you should go under “Server”. There you will find a field for password. Click on the button “Change” that is in line with the password field.
How do I log in to my MT 5 trading platform?
Double click on the app of the MT 5 platform you downloaded from our website. In the “Login” field enter your username and in the “Password” field enter your password. In the field “Server” choose LimitPrimeSecurities-Demo if you have a demo account or LimitPrimeSecurities-Live if you have a real account. Press “Ok” and you will interact on the MetaTrader 5 platform.
For mobile app:
Click on your mobile app, go to “Manage Account” and click the “+” icon. A new screen will appear where you should find us as a broker - Limit Prime Securities. After that, you will see the fields to enter your username and password. In the field “Server” choose LimitPrimeSecurities-Demo if you have a demo account or LimitPrimeSecurities-Live if you have a real account. Press “Ok” and you will be able to trade on the MetaTrader 5 platform.
For webtrader:
To login to webtrader, click on this link, or enter in the search bar: https://limitprime.com/en/web-terminal. Once you are there, you will have a pop-up box to enter your username and password, as well as choose a server. If you have a demo account, you should choose LimitPrimeSecurities-Demo server, and if you have a real account, you should choose LimitPrimeSecurities-Live server.
Do I have limit trading on a demo account?
How can I deposit money on my trading account?
Can I deposit from my bank account?
Can I deposit using my credit/debit card?
Are my funds at risk in case of the company’s bankruptcy?
Is there a limitation on the amount I can deposit?
What is the Margin requirement?
Can I withdraw the money whenever I want?
How can I withdraw my money?
What is the processing time frame?
Is there a limitation on withdrawal?
Can I trade with any instrument I wish to?
Can I be in debt to you when trading?
Are there any restrictions with regards to trading methods?
Where can I see the financial status of my trading account?
Balance = deposits - withdrawals + P&L of closed positions. It does not include the profit/loss of the current open positions.
Equity = balance + P&L of open positions.This is the current, real value of your account.
Margin: The total amount of money you invested in your trades.
Free margin: The amount of money available for your new trades.
Margin level: It represents the security of your assets. The higher it is, the better. When the margin level falls to 20%, all your active trades will be closed to stop you from losing all your money.
This information is available to you in the Toolbox, under Trade/Exposure/History section.
How do I close a position?
To close a position go down to a Toolbox, and choose the section Trade. Find the position you want to close and click “x” underneath the Profit label. Once you do it, a pop-up box will appear and you click on the yellow button “Close”.
Once you close a position your profit/loss will be automatically calculated in your Equity.
For mobile app & Webtrader:
Choose the “Trade” section from your Toolbar, which is in the 3rd place in order. Choose the position you want to close and long press on it. Choose “Close Position”, click the “Close” button and the “Done” screen will appear.
How do I open a position?
To open a position, go to the Limit Prime Securities MT 5 app, choose the instrument you wish to trade on, right-click on it and choose “New order”. A position screen in the form of a pop-up boxwill appear.
Here you will be able to see the prices, choose the volume of your trade, set pending orders, stop-loss orders and take profit to help manage your risk.
For mobile app & Webtrader:
Open your mobile app and go to the “Quotes” section (the first section in the Tollbar). Choose an asset you want to trade with, long press on it and choose “New Order”.
How do I set a Stop-loss Order?
On the mobile app, the stop-loss order is presented with the abbreviation SL.
How do I set a Stop-Limit Order?
How do I set a Take Profit Order?
On the mobile app, the take profit order is presented with the abbreviation TP.
What are the Market hours/Trading hours?
To find them on our website, go to “Trading & Products” and choose one group of instruments, for example, stocks. Scroll and click on the button “Lists of Stocks - Click Here”. A .pdf file will open, where you will find a table with a list of trading conditions for stocks. In the last column “Trading hours” you will find the trading hours for each of the assets we have.
To find trading hours on MetaTrader 5 platform for desktop app and webtrader, right click on the chosen asset and then click on the “Specification”. You will see a pop-up box named “Description”. At the very bottom of the box you will find a table with Sessions, Quotes and Trades. Under column “Trades” are defined the trading hours.
To find trading hours on your mobile app, go to the “Quotes” section (the first section in the Toolbar). Choose the asset you want to trade with, long press on it and choose “Properties”. Scroll and at the very bottom you will see the table “Trade Session”, where trading hours are defined.